Website Inquiry Forms to Lexicata Integration
Our client Legacy Protection Lawyers recently asked us to automate the creation of contacts and on boarding when new potential clients submit a form on their website. This is a bit tricky because Lexicata doesn’t actually support integration or publish...Synching MAMP on Multiple Macs
I’ve recently configured all of my Macs to sync the Apache doc root, mySQL database and logs using dropbox for seamless access to all of our projects from any desktop.
Query to find number Rows, Columns, ByteSize for each table in the current database
USE DatabaseNameGOCREATE TABLE #temp (table_name sysname ,row_count INT,reserved_size VARCHAR(50),data_size VARCHAR(50),index_size VARCHAR(50),unused_size VARCHAR(50))SET NOCOUNT ONINSERT #tempEXEC sp_msforeachtable ‘sp_spaceused ”?”’SELECT...AWS EBS Snapshots for Windows EC2/VPC Instances
After scouring through the Amazon Web Services (AWS) management console I discovered that there is, in fact, no GUI method for scheduling elastic block store (EBS) snapshots.