Digital Marketing Packages

Digital marketing is absolutely essential for the success of most businesses and nonprofits, and we’re here to support this crucial piece of your growth plan. We also find it’s one of the easiest and best pieces of your business to outsource, especially as you grow. We’ll bring our expertise to the party and free up your team to focus on what they need to, and along the way, we’ll focus on communication, collaboration, and effective measurement to ensure the best results.

What factors should I consider when deciding on a digital marketing plan?

    1. Budget
    2. Experience
    3. Communication
    4. Results

1. Budget

We find this is the first thing our clients are concerned about when considering a digital marketing strategy—and, of course! As a small business, it’s our first consideration, too. That’s why we offer solutions at all different price points. If you’re not sure how digital marketing fits into your budget or strategy, then one-off services might be the answer. You can try out a few different things at a low-cost price point, and see what works for you, as well as learning from our experience.

2. Experience

Speaking of experience, our team has been providing digital marketing services on demand for over twenty years. Content creation, communication, and strategy are cornerstones of all that we do. But because it wasn’t our main focus, we haven’t spent much time advertising that we do it. Luckily we have some great new highly experienced resources on board who have expanded our capacity for this vital work. We’re excited to be able to close the loop for our clients, and provide the whole digital package.

3. Communication

We like to think this is our happy place in terms of providing the best service possible to our clients. It’s a keystone of everything we do. Our digital marketing solutions start and end with great communication, and we bake that into all of our plans and strategies to make sure the work we do for you is a success.

4. Results

One of the most important things to understand about digital marketing is the difference between marketing and advertising. Are you having a big 50% off sale, and want to get the most customers through the door in the shortest amount of time? That’s advertising. You pay to place your ad, and it runs in the channels you choose. We do have solutions for this (see: our Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits page).

Marketing, on the other hand, is the process of defining your audience or customer’s needs, and figuring out how to meet those needs and reach that audience over time. And we’ll provide clear monthly reports in terms of reach and engagement hard numbers to help you do that.