Google Ad Grant Management for Nonprofits

Google offers a fantastic opportunity for nonprofits—$10,000 in advertising dollars per month, for free. You may be wondering what the catch is, but the offer is real, and taking advantage of it can bring a huge boost to your organization’s reach in terms of message and funding.

However, getting the account (and your website) set up properly is a relatively involved process, and there are a number of things you need to know before diving in. We can help! We’ll bring our expertise and experience to bear, and handle all the setup for you. We’ll also create landing pages (with compelling calls to action), campaigns, audiences, and tracking events so you can measure your results.

What Is the Google Ad Grant For?

Google Ad Grants shows your message to people searching for nonprofits like yours. Each qualifying nonprofit has access to up to $10,000 per month in search ads shown on

A screenshot showing a sponsored Google ad for the search terms "events near me this weekend"

Before You Start

The most important thing to know about Google’s ad grant program is that it has strict requirements for you to use it. The biggest one is that you must maintain a 5% CTR, or Click Through Rate, to keep your grant. (For reference, 3% is generally considered a good CTR for paid Google Ads.)

What that means is that for every 100 people who see your ad in their search results, a minimum of 5 people must click on your ad. To achieve this, you need to craft your keywords and ad copy to be extremely relevant to your website and your organization’s mission.

But that’s actually great news, because that means when used correctly, your $10,000 grant will reach exactly the people you want to reach.

Google also requires that your ad and website content be representative of your organization and be highly relevant to the person’s search terms, and that your website is hosted with an SSL certificate. Those organizations already hosted with us—this is not a problem for you. If you’re new, we can help you meet those requirements easily.

This is where our 10+ years of experience with search engine marketing strategies comes in.

We’ll handle everything for your campaigns, from setting up your Google for Nonprofits and Google Ad Grants accounts to creating a strategic plan and generating all the copy and assets needed for success. We’ll make sure your website, ads, and account are compliant with all of Google’s requirements. Most importantly, we’ll provide concrete data on your campaigns, so you can measure their performance in detail.

How do we know if it’s worth it for our organization?

We’ll start with a free consultation to discuss your goals and offer possible strategies for the campaigns. If we don’t think the $10,000/month of free advertising dollars can be a net benefit for your org, we’ll tell you so—but we believe that any organization has the potential for a winning campaign. It’s our job to make that a reality.